We take care of each other.

Somos Salud seeks to keep Latin American and migrant communities safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Latinxs are 1.5 times more likely to contract COVID-19 than their non-Latinx white counterparts, 2.2 times more likely to be hospitalized from COVID-19, and 1.8 times more likely to die from COVID-19.* We are providing Latinx essential workers, their families, and communities with the tools to promote health, while engaging our communities to build a better future together.

Get your Somos Salud mask today and we’ll send a mask to a health promoter!

We are stronger when we work together.

With support and guidance from the CDC, Alianza Americas is leading an effort to address health disparities in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Alianza Americas and its member organizations, together with the Latino Commission on AIDS and the Mexican side of the U.S.-Mexico Binational Health Commission Mobile Units, are implementing this ambitious initiative to keep our communities safe. We are working to improve health promotion and response activities with limited English proficiency (LEP) Latinx essential workers, their families and communities. We are developing culturally and linguistically tailored programs and practices for information sharing, testing, contact tracing, vaccination and healthcare strategies in response to health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic. We keep each other safe!

Health is a top priority for all communities.

"I got vaccinated for my family and my community."
Somos Salud

Meet Our Partners

Our strategy is divided into three areas of focus intended to strengthen the capacity of our communities and of authorities, such as the CDC to respond, and streamline communication.


Our collective work supports the CDC in the dissemination and adoption or implementation of guidance, clinical guidelines, and best practices for the prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in our communities.


We inform and support the CDC in the development and adaptation of guidance, tools, and best practices, including collecting information and communicating it to people with limited English proficiency, Latinx essential workers, their families and communities.


We engage frontline communities and lead trainings in best practices approved by the CDC to help prevent and control emerging infectious diseases. Our targeted guidance and tools will reach communities and populations at increased risk and reduce the spread of disease.